Strengthening Connection During Social Distancing

What if we all used this weird period of “social distancing” to STRENGTHEN our connections with loved ones? Here are 12 ideas for things we could do while away from the crowds:
  • Organize a long-distance movie party by trying to watch the same movie at the same time with as many friends and family members as possible
  • During your next missed event, give someone a phone call and catch up.
  • Take the time to leave five uplifting comments on the social media posts of others each day.
  • Learn about your family’s history by looking through old photos, using genealogy sites, or just asking family members about their memories.
  • Teach your kids how to write an old-fashioned letter and use a stamp.
  • If you believe in a Higher Power, spend extra time praying for the well-being of others and sending good energy their way.
  • Think of someone who recently showed you kindness and send them a thank-you message of some sort.
  • Write a journal entry about what is happening right now so that future family members can get a glimpse into your life.
  • Ask your friends to tell you one song they love right now and why, then start a “viral mix” playlist by downloading that music.
  • Consider using the time you would usually spend at events to disconnect from technology, and meditate to reconnect with yourself and your Higher Power.
  • Share uplifting articles and podcasts with others. You could include the link in an email message explaining why it made you think of them, and expressing gratitude for your friendship.
  • And most importantly, if you are quarantined with other people, make this a chance for quality time together. Make sure your actions communicate that those people are more important than the news!

What other creative connection ideas do you have? Let’s help each other be well.


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