How to Get a Grip

On January 7, 2015, Kevin Jorgensen clung to the side El Capitan—a rock formation in Yosemite National Park. He and his climbing buddy Tommy Caldwell would go on to become the first people to free-climb Dawn Wall, but they didn't know it at the time. Instead, what Kevin knew was that he kept falling. Over, and over, and over again. He was stuck on Pitch 15, a treacherous sideways part of the climb that had only the tiniest of sharp handholds. He would fail to complete the pitch 11 times over seven days. 

Fast-forward two days. On January 9, Jorgensen slid along Pitch 15 with renewed determination. Put your foot here. Grab there. Shift foot there. Release and regrip. Every technical move had to be done exactly right. Finally, the magical moment came. Jorgensen clipped his tether into the carabiner, marking the completion of the pitch. He had done it!

What made the difference? I wonder if part of his success came about because of two important practices Jorgensen did right beforehand... 

He rested and he got help.

For two days, Jorgensen let his muscles rest and his skin heal. He sought advice about how best to tape his fingertips. He reviewed footage of his failed climb, thanks to a documentary crew that was filming him. And then he was finally able to progress.

I keep thinking about his story today, and how too often we deny ourselves those ingredients for success. Sometimes our culture even attaches shame to the idea of resting or needing help. But, especially when we are going through a season of life that is jagged or treacherous—or when we feel worn raw and like we're losing our grip—perhaps rest and help is exactly what we need.

What kind of deliberate, meaningful rest helps heal your soul?
How has asking for help blessed your life? 
Please share! 

And please be kind to yourself today. If you need rest or help, make it a priority. If you see a fellow climber struggling, reach out and lend a hand. It might make all the difference.

(BTW, click here for a National Geographic article about these amazing climbers! Also, the original photo used in the above photo art was taken by Tom Evans.)


  1. I just absolutely love this and it hits me at the right time. I really need to take up a friend of mine on her offer to take my kids for me so I can take a nap! Hopefully the next fews days of vacation in DC viewings Cherry Blossoms will refresh me a little in time for General Conference!!

    1. I'm glad it hit you at the right time, Jocelyn. And I hope your vacation was refreshing! :)


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