What Will We Leave Behind?
I have a tradition of reading the short book each Easter. As a Christian, I appreciate the overview it gives of the life of Jesus Christ. But most of all, it's a good reminder to me that each of us—whether we have "children of our own" or not—have the opportunity to create something meaningful to leave the next generation. Whether that ''thing" is a tangible item, or a teaching, or an influence, it has the potential to continue shaping, strengthening, and empowering our children long after we've left. Every day gives us another chance to create—through words, artwork, letters, videos, conversations, lessons, mottos, successes, failures... the opportunities are endless, really. When we are gone, will the young people of today be better because we were here? I hope each of us can find a way to answer "yes!" to that today.
The story of Jesus was obviously important to Dickens. How do you share what is important with your kids? I'd love to hear your comments!
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